Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Boys and I and the month of May

Avery loves sitting at the little table.  Mostly we use it for jam sessions and coloring but every now and again he wants to sit at the table and eat a snack like the big boys.IMG_2827 Braeden is growing up on us.  He has become quite the chatty patty and spends most of his time riding his trike in the driveway.  He says, “Moma , you wanna see somethin..?” and when I say sure he says,” I go real fast.” and pedals as hard as he can around the driveway. IMG_2828

Avery went through a spell last week when he thought he had to wear the knee pads all the time.  This picture is a good example of what our driveway looks like everyday until dinner time. I already have a tan.  These kids keep me outside all day. Which isn’t the worst thing ever.IMG_2815

Brent and the boys came out to my 10k to support me.  Here they are watching the waterfalls at the park.  Braeden was pretty mesmerized.IMG_2796          Not a pretty shot but  here I am about to cross the finish line.  woo hoo!IMG_2801

We are so excited about summer time.  Its going to be a fun one!  Hope to keep you somewhat posted!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Porgeys Adventures Finish Up at the Park


It was a great week but we had to send Porgey back to pre-school this morning.  Braeden and Avery will miss him so much.  Does build-a-bear have a pigSmile

Thursday, April 7, 2011

SPOW (Special Person of The Week)

     Braeden gets in to the car on Tuesday basically bursting with joy.  It is his turn to be special person of the week which means he gets to bring home Porgey the stuffed pig for an entire week.  Porgey comes with his own toothbrush, a book to read at night time, and a personal journal to add photos to.  I knew his turn was coming up but had no idea how special his time with Porgey would be.  He very quickly added Porgey to his load of stuffed animals and the go to guy of the week.  Here are two pics I have captured so far.
                                   Sweet sweet dreams Porgey!
This week our dining room table has pretty much been the art table the entire week.  It is quite often I am scooting over markers, paints, and safety scissors to make room for a couple of plates.  Braeden loves art and so does Avery.  Unfortunately, we have to monitor A pretty closely.  He wants to eat the paint or smear it all over his face.  Smearing I can handle but the eating of paint is kind of just plain yucko. 
                             Pretty good with the crayons too!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Avery loves some grapes.  He was not happy with the grape I chose for him so I just gave him the whole bowl and let him go at it! I normally cut up his grapes.  However, he actually prefers to bite off bites and normally doesn’t pop the whole thing in there.  Braeden is hanging out on the other side of the counter with his yogurty mustache trying to steal a few when Avery is not looking.



Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ed venture


Spring Time in South Carolina


This was our first day breaking out the water table.  It was great.  The boys were even showing a little love to one another.   A big shout out to Aunt Rosanna for such a fun gift.  It guarantees mom about 20 min of sitting in the sun if she doesn’t mind a few splashes here and there. Avery is walking everywhere.  It sure did not take him long to catch on to walking or climbing.  This boy is on the go all the time.  Braeden was always such a “lets curl up and watch a  movie while I suck on my pacifier,” kind of kid.

Sweet Sweet Avery Bug

Avery multi

Avery 1

Avery was a champ at getting his 1 year picture made.  Look how well he followed directions and held his one up for all to see.  We love you Avery!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to Avery Jameson Haller

Yesterday we celebrated Avery bugs 1st birthday.  It was awesome.  Thanks to all the family and friends that joined  joined us on his special day. Avery was not the only one with birthday but unfortunately Dad was taking all the pictures so you can not see our other birthday boy.  Brent celebrated his birfday with a new golf club & bowling ballSmile



       Avery eagerly awaiting the puppy dog cake his mommy made for him!



Saturday, February 5, 2011

Avery eating soup

Avery’s Latest Adventures

Avery is just hitting 11 months old.  We have not gotten the professional pictures done since his 9 month mark.  Which isn’t that big of a deal but we have been recording some of the cuteness.  Avery is a high energy funny boy. He loves to play, climb on his kiddie chair, play ball, and of course terrorize Braeden.


Mastering the train.  Avery has been working really hard at walking behind the train.  We have had a couple of wrecks but overall he is doing pretty well and obviously he is super excited.  He took about 10 steps behind the train yesterday.  Brent says he has seen him take two steps on  is own and he is getting more eager to walk everyday.  When we hold his hands he walks really fast.


There is not much that beats watching this kid feed himself.  When the spoon is not working fast enough he resorts to eating right out of the bowl.  This is a most normal occurrence which is why we go straight from dinner time to bath time.


                           Wow  Mom!  That is one big lion!


           Here I am in my 11month old glory just being cute as a button


                                          Peek a boo


            Here I am showing off the Dad’s handiwork on the pantry! Dad’s a little furry here but we still love him.