Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Boys and I and the month of May

Avery loves sitting at the little table.  Mostly we use it for jam sessions and coloring but every now and again he wants to sit at the table and eat a snack like the big boys.IMG_2827 Braeden is growing up on us.  He has become quite the chatty patty and spends most of his time riding his trike in the driveway.  He says, “Moma , you wanna see somethin..?” and when I say sure he says,” I go real fast.” and pedals as hard as he can around the driveway. IMG_2828

Avery went through a spell last week when he thought he had to wear the knee pads all the time.  This picture is a good example of what our driveway looks like everyday until dinner time. I already have a tan.  These kids keep me outside all day. Which isn’t the worst thing ever.IMG_2815

Brent and the boys came out to my 10k to support me.  Here they are watching the waterfalls at the park.  Braeden was pretty mesmerized.IMG_2796          Not a pretty shot but  here I am about to cross the finish line.  woo hoo!IMG_2801

We are so excited about summer time.  Its going to be a fun one!  Hope to keep you somewhat posted!