Monday, April 21, 2008

It's been so long...

Yeah, we've been lazy on the updating around here. Mom had the camera in the car for a few weeks before Dad could remember that he hadn't updated the site in quite some time, so it's been awhile. But never fear, we have returned with new videos and a few new pictures.

Braeden has been working on crawling and getting closer and closer every day. He has just began to figure out that he needs to push up with his hands, so it's one of his favorite things to do. Here, see for yourself.

And then he loves to play in his exerciser/seat toy thing.
So that's what he's been up to, and here's a few smiles from the past few weeks that we haven't gotten to putting up previously!Mom and Braeden at the Riverbanks Zoo here in ColumbiaSmiley for dad while playin in my exerciser thingySleepy time on the couchAlways working on my tummy time

So that's what we've been doing. Mostly working on the tummy and trying to crawl...getting closer everyday :)

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