Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas time!!!

Ok, so it's long past Christmas time, but we here at the Haller household have been...well, lazy I suppose!

Braeden's initial reaction to his new kitchen...sheer amazment

Not to be out-done by the new tricycle!

It was a back and forth battle between the tricycle and the kitchen...until...

Grandma had him open the keyboard with self recording ipod type thingy and microphone! After these three presents, Braeden could not take opening another present until after his nap.

Momma's favorite, BOOKS!

Not even out of the woom and little Avery already has dad's knowledge of the ladies.

Dad got lots of Ohio State schwag...

Braeden back in the mood for some un-wrappin's after his nap.

Oooooo, trains! Grandpa was good enough to set up the entire track so we could send the trains around and around.

 Weeeee, we're finally hip kids on the street with our very own Wii!

 Braeden's back to the kitchen. By far and away the biggest winner of the Christmas presents.

 Dad kickin the daylights out of Grandpa and Uncle Jason in Mario Kart. Although, by the end of the Christmas time visit, Grandpa was starting to get pretty good at it!

 But not as good as Braeden! (video to come...Braeden makes care noises while driving!)

 Finally out in the driveway with the tricycle!

 The Hallers, Christmas 2009!

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