Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve …and A Small Glance at Everyday




On Christmas Eve all the grandparents arrived but as a tradition we open one present each with just us.  Here is Braeden eagerly holding tight to his first present of the Christmas season and you can’t deny Avery’s enthusiasm.  This kid has more facial expressions than I have ever seen.

It seems as if I am busier than ever these days. Avery is crawling, standing, and wanting to walk.  Braeden has more energy than ever which leaves me with a constant trail of toys to pick up, bellies to fill, laundry to fold, etc…..  The only reason I have time to update today would be that The Haller grandparents are entertaining Braeden and Avery is asleep.


Here is Avery 9months old.  He thinks he can just stand up anywhere.  When he tries he ends up in this muscle man pose which having no shirt on clearly demonstratesSmile 


                         Braeden and Dad do their old man dance…



                          Braeden and Avery ride the laundry train

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